Best Hatcheries To Buy Chicks Online

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Purchasing chicks are becoming even easier because you can purchase them from an online hatchery. Many hatcheries offer various breeds of chicks and finding a good hatchery that looks after them and has a good reputation can be challenging. There are, however, a few excellent hatcheries to buy chicks from listed below.

The 13 Best Hatcheries To Buy Chicks Online:

1. Cackle Hatchery
2. Purely Poultry hatchery
3. Meyer Hatchery
4. Stromberg’s Hatchery
5. Jenk’s Hatchery
6. Chickens For Backyards
7. Murray McMurray Hatchery
8. Freedom Ranger Hatchery
9. Hoover’s Hatchery
10. The Ideal Poultry Hatchery
11. And More …


1. Cackle Hatchery

Cackle Hatchery is one of the largest hatcheries in the US and has been around since 1936. Some chick breeds they sell are the Easter Eggers, Jersey Giants, and the Orpingtons. This hatchery is renowned for its high breeding standards and quality of chicks. The minimum order of chicks you can order from Cackle Hatchery is 3.

2. Purely Poultry Hatchery

Purely Poultry is a small business based in Wisconsin and supplies backyard farmers, bird lovers, and traditional farmers. Purely Poultry stocks breeds like the Isa Brown, Buff Orpington, and the Barred Plymouth Rock and have over 300 breeds of birds. They also supply birds like swans, ducks, and geese. To order from Purely Poultry, they have a minimum order amount of 10 chicks.  

3. Meyer Hatchery

Meyer Hatchery has been around for over 35 years and caters to those looking for minimum orders and rare breeds of chicks. Meyer Hatchery offers species like the Cream Legbar, Olive Egger, and the Green Queen Bantam. Besides this, they stock geese, ducks, guinea fowl, and more. The minimum order is between 3 and 8 chicks, depending on the season. Of course, Meyer Hatchery also stocks everything you need to raise chicks. 

4. Stromberg’s Hatchery

Stromberg’s stocks a variety of chicks, baby birds, and adult birds, including Peacocks and Swans. In total, they offer 200 different bird breeds and one of the most extensive selections of poultry equipment and supplies. In addition, they offer breeds of chicks like the Mottled Java, Easter Eggers, and Bantam Silkies. The minimum order quantity is between 5 and 30, depending on the breed.

5. Jenk’s Hatchery

Jenk’s hatchery is known as one of the oldest hatcheries and is family operated. Jenk’s offers breeds like the Novogen Brown, Golden Bovan, and the Blue Plymouth Rocks, and they also stock a variety of other birds like turkeys and ducks. Their minimum order of chicks is 10. The price per click varies depending on your location.

6. Chickens For Backyards

Chickens For Backyards is an excellent option if you’re looking at starting a backyard flock. They are the only hatchery that allows you to purchase different breeds in their minimum order. The minimum order is 3 chicks. Chickens For Backyards stocks breeds like the Speckled Sussex, Welsummer, Salmon, and Delaware.

7. Murray McMurray Hatchery

Murray McMurray was founded in 1917 and offers hundreds of different breeds. Murray McMurray also sells waterfowl, turkey, and game birds. They have speedy delivery with orders being delivered within 48 hours. All their chicks are vaccinated, and they stock breeds like the White Sapphire, Yokohama, and the Blue Ameraucana. 

Their minimum order is between 15-20 chicks, and they also sell starter kits to help you get started with raising your chicks. Gifts, books, and other resources are also available on their website.

8. Freedom Ranger Hatchery

Freedom Ranger Hatchery sells breeds like the New Hampshire, Kosher King, and the Freedom Ranger. The minimum order of chicks is between 15-20. This hatchery delivers chicks directly to your doorstep, and they ship to every US state, including Hawaii. They specialize in raising broiler chickens, and all their chickens are free-range. Unfortunately, they don’t offer vaccinated chicks, and there is an additional fee for vaccination.

9. Hoover’s Hatchery

Hoover’s hatchery is located in Iowa and sells over 100 breeds. Some of the most commonly purchased breeds are the Sapphire Gems, White Leghorns, and Black Australorps. In addition, Hoover’s hatchery guarantees the delivery of live baby chicks when you order 15 and can guarantee the sec of the chicks with 90% accuracy. 

10. The Ideal Poultry Hatchery

The Ideal Poultry Hatchery has been around since 1937 and is one of the largest suppliers of superior quality chicks. Ideal Poultry has over 100 different chicken breeds. One of the best things about this hatchery is that they do not have a minimum order quantity but an order value of $30. The chicks are not vaccinated but can be vaccinated for a small additional fee. Ideal Poultry supplies breeds like Cukoo Marans, Buff Minorca, and the Blue Andalusian.

11. The Chick Hatchery

The Chick Hatchery has a minimum order of 3 chicks to purchase from them and has breeds like the white leghorn, dark Brahma, and the Wyandotte. They also have a selection of guinea keets, turkeys, and waterfowl. The Chick Hatchery is the perfect place to order from if you’re a beginner and want to start with a few small chicks. Their order fee is around $25.

12. California Hatchery

California Hatchery has a minimum order of 3 chicks, and their breeds include the Buff Orpington, Black Copper Maran, The Barred Rock, and the Black Australorp. The Califonia Hatchery also sells ducklings, turkeys, goslings, rare chickens, and heritage birds. In addition, this hatchery offers free delivery on orders of 15 chicks or more.

13. Welp Hatchery

Welp Hatchery sells a wide range of birds and chickens. These include the Rhode Island Red, Australorps, and the New Hampshire Red. In addition, this hatchery has a range of birds that include pheasants, goslings, ducklings, quail, and guinea fowl. To order from Welp Hatchery, You’ll need to fulfill their minimum order of 25 chicks. 

Although this hatchery specializes in Cornish Rock Broilers, they also offer a wide range of egg layers. Shipping is free, and you can mix and match your breeds of chick when placing your order.


There are so many excellent options when looking for an online hatchery. This is because many hatcheries have been around for years and offer superior quality chicks. Although choosing one online supplier over the other may be challenging, the best way to decide which is best for you mostly depends on cost, breed availability, and shipping.

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