Category: Chicken

  • Can You Keep Chicken And Geese Together?

    Can You Keep Chicken And Geese Together?

    If you are a backyard poultry keeper with room to expand, you may be getting more birds – of a different species. But you are not sure whether there will be any problems between chickens and geese and how many geese to get. So you want to know: can you keep chickens and geese together?…

  • Can You Get Sick From Handling Chickens? – Contagious Diseases

    Can You Get Sick From Handling Chickens? – Contagious Diseases

    With times getting tougher, many people are starting to keep small cattle on their land or in their backyard. It makes sense as you can have fresh eggs or milk depending on the animals you keep. The most popular is usually chickens. The one thing that has many people wondering is if you can get…

  • Can Chickens Eat Peas?

    Can Chickens Eat Peas?

    Chickens love to scratch and forage, and they will come running for treats if they see you coming, but not all treats are good for them. When offering little titbits to your hens, it’s best to give them food that won’t cause any upset stomachs and will supplement their nutrition. You might wonder whether or…

  • Can Chickens And Quails Live Together?

    Can Chickens And Quails Live Together?

    If you’re interested in keeping backyard poultry, you might like the idea of owning a mix of different species. While I love my chickens, I couldn’t resist the idea of adding delightful little quail to my menagerie. But before I did that, I needed to be sure that mixing chickens and quails would not cause…

  • Best Places To Buy Chicken And Chicks

    Best Places To Buy Chicken And Chicks

    If you are a homesteader or even rear chicks into blue-ribbon-winning show chickens, then the question is, where are some of the best possible places to buy chickens and chicks from are. Let’s help you decide which place is right for you and your situation. The two best places to buy chickens and chicks from…

  • Why Are My Chickens Losing Feathers? – And How To Fix It

    Why Are My Chickens Losing Feathers? – And How To Fix It

    If you’re new to keeping chickens, their feather loss can be frustrating. You may already know about chicken’s annual molt, but what else might be causing them to lose feathers?  Chickens lose feathers during their yearly molt, stress due to overcrowding, illness, bullying, loud noise, excessive heat, lack of food and water, or excessive handling…

  • How Well Can Chickens See? – Chicken Eyesight Facts

    How Well Can Chickens See? – Chicken Eyesight Facts

    We all know that dogs only see black and white, but have you ever wondered how chickens see the world around them? What is a chicken’s eyesight like? Chickens can see very well during the day, but at night their eyesight is terrible. Because their eyes are on either side of their head, they have…

  • How To Treat Chicken Mites?

    How To Treat Chicken Mites?

    During the warmer spring and summer months, chickens are commonly affected by external parasites, like mites. Chicken mites are vampiric, feeding on the birds’ blood during the night while they roost. What should you do if you find mites on your chickens or in the coop? To get rid of a chicken mite infestation, you…

  • How To Take Care Of Your Chickens Daily

    How To Take Care Of Your Chickens Daily

    If you have a chicken coop in your backyard, you need to know how to take care of your chickens daily, monthly, and yearly. Knowing how to take care of your chickens will keep them happier and healthier, and they will keep the eggs coming for you to enjoy! How should you take good care…

  • Chicken Keeping For Beginners – Start With Adults Or Chicks?

    Chicken Keeping For Beginners – Start With Adults Or Chicks?

    Backyard chicken keeping has grown dramatically in popularity in the last few years, partly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which kept many people at home for an extended period. For beginners, the first of many questions is whether to start with adult chickens or chicks. If you’re a beginner starting to raise chickens for the…